27 de Julio del 2024


19 de diciembre 2013

After the success of the Emerging Markets presentation in Istanbul, Turkey, at our 2012 Annual Conference, WIN/GIA is proud to develop further this interesting subject: How to conduct market research in the Emerging Countries. With the initiative of the WIN/GIA Emerging Market Committee, overseen by Laure Castelnau (Ibope Inteligenica, Brazil), we are pleased to put at your disposal a collection of useful and concrete information on the countries known collectively as the BRICT countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and Turkey.

Emerging markets are nations with social or business activity in the process of rapid growth and industrialization. The BRICT markets are among the largest emerging and developing economies, with China and India being considered to be the largest.

Other than being the largest economies in their respective regions, the big 5 emerging markets generate growth in different ways and differ in many terms such as: geography, population, internet penetration, culture and competition.

These reports aim to provide you with valuable information on what to consider when requesting or conducting market research in the five BRICT countries. Reading these reports will allow you to get a greater understanding of the cultural differences, the main challenges on the different research methods, the costs of conducting research and acquire tips for conducting market research in these five emerging countries.

WIN/GIA would like to offer a special thanks to Laure Castelnau from Ibope Inteligencia (Brazil), Ivan Milekhin from Romir (Russia), Ashref Hashim from DataPrompt (India), Barry Tse from WisdomAsia (China) and Pervin Olgun from Barem Research (Turkey) for their collaboration in putting together this powerful source of information.

Please click the country of your choice to access the report.

Brazil     Russia     India     China     Turkey



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